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For my final year project I am designing a multimedia campaign with the intention of raising awareness and to educate people about grief.


For my dissertation I design four posters with the purpose of educating children about grief. I focused on Disney and Pixar films as a lot of them have themes of death and grief.

My sister graduated in 2019 but sadly my mum passed in 2012. I drew this for my sister to give her an idea of what it would have looked like if she was able to get a photo with our mum on her graduation.


A friend of mine asked me to draw their house to show the change after they got an extension. I drew the before and after in the same style to showcase the change in their property.

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Since I got my iPad my favourite pass time is drawing on Procreate. Here are two of my best ones, a photo of me and my best friend and my boyfriend and I.

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